Електронні сліди : поняття та види
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2017, Vol 77, Issue 1
Статтю присвячено дослідженню сутності електронних слідів у криміналістиці, визначено поняття цього терміна. Розглянуто характеристики електронних слідів неправомірного доступу до роботи комп’ютерних систем та систем дистанційного банківського обслуговування. Запропоновано способи пошуку інформації щодо злочинця за його слідами в цифровому інформаційному просторі. Сформульовано авторське визначення терміна «цифровий електронний слід», який являє собою матеріальний невидимий слід, що може бути виявлений, зафіксований і досліджений за допомогою цифрових електронних пристроїв та який містить будь-яку криміналістично-значущу інформацію (відомості, дані), зафіксовану в електронній цифровій формі на матеріальному носії. The article is devoted to the study of the nature of crime traces in sphere of use of information technologies. The definition of the term "e-trace " was proposed by some autors. In particular, the electronic digital traces are material invisible traces. They represent any important information for the crime investigation. This traces always are recorded in digital form on any physical information carrier. The autors focused on the study of the set of traces of the most common ways of commission of computer crimes. The article has information about the electronic traces that appear as a result of using by criminals of e-mails and of text messeges. There are information about traces detection of unauthorized access to computers, to automated systems, to computer networks and to databases. Computer crimes can be committed by means of telecom or computer networks and technolo-gies, with use of malicious software. Traces of computer crimes in form of work of antivirus or test programs can be discovered during a forensic examination of computers and operation systems, of antivirus programs and application code, etc. Traces of unauthorized access to information can be found in the Internet and then, according to their properties, a specific device can be established. The traces that indicate about an extraneous access to computer information are such: renaming of files and folders, changing of the size and/or files content, of their attributes, appearance of the new folders and files, time changing of the last access to data, their modification, etc. The «Digital e-trace» is an unseen material trace that can be detected, recorded and studied by digital electronic devices and contained the forensically-relevant information (data) that recorded on a tangible digital data carrier. The certain text messages (SMS) can be used as a evidences. They are stored on the servers of a mobile operator. Law enforcement authorities can access to information about the list of calls and text message. Important information can be gathered by studying the content of emails, instant messages and traces of unauthorized access to the remote banking systems. In many cases these traces allow to identify organizational schemes of crimes. Currently the law enforcement authorities are executing formation of an international system for fighting with crimes of such kind actively. They are developing methods of investigation such crimes and are cooperating with international organizations and law enforcement agencies from different countries (including with the using of computer technologies). This determines the conduct of further research of nature of electronic traces, their classification and methods of detection.
Authors and Affiliations
Сергій Володимирович Стороженко, Галина Констянтинівна Авдєєва
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