Співвідношення недоторканності права власності з низкою інших засад кримінального провадження
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2017, Vol 77, Issue 1
Статтю присвячено характеристиці таких засад кримінального провадження: недоторканність права власності, забезпечення права на свободу й особисту недоторканність, недоторканність житла чи іншого володіння особи, невтручання в приватне життя, публічність. На підставі аналізу чинного кримінального процесуального законодавства України та навчальної літератури проаналізовано співвідношення цих засад. Доведено, що порушення однієї засади супроводжується порушенням іншої, і навпаки, дія однієї засади може припинятися там, де починається сфера дії іншої. The article is sanctified to description of principles of criminal proceedings: inviolability of property rights, providing the right on freedom and body security, inviolability of dwelling or other possession of personality, non-interference in the personal life, publicity. On the basis of analysis of current criminal judicial legislation of Ukraine and educational literature correlation of these principles is analysed. It is well-proven that violation of one principle is accompanied by violation other, and vice versa, the action of one principle can cease wherein the sphere of action begins other. The question of observance of constitutional rights for personality during investigation of criminal production, limitation of right of ownership has an important value in the aspect of realization of principle of inviolability of property rights. Constitutional human and citizen rights are not absolute, there are some exceptions from general rules, when they can limit or broken them. At first, it touches the sphere of criminal proceedings, where public and personal interests intersect, there are conflict situations the decision of that requires application of corresponding judicial measures. In particular, limitation of property rights is possible on legal grounds during temporal access to the things and documents, realization of other judicial actions and withdrawal here of objects and documents that in future can be confessed by proofs, impositions of arrest on property with the purpose of security for a civil claim and possible confiscation of property. Realization of security property rights task in a criminal proceedings is closely related to the action of row other, envisaged by the Criminal judicial code of Ukraine concerning principles of criminal proceedings. To them it is foremost necessary to take principles of providing of right on freedom and body security, inviolability of dwelling or other possession of personality, non-interference in the personal life, publicity. Correlation of these principles testifies to the high risk of their simultaneous violation during realization of some judicial actions. For example, violation of principle of inviolability of dwelling or other possession of personality means simultaneous violation of principle of inviolability of property rights. In fact dwelling or other possession of personality is in property of some personality and realization in them search, examination or inquisitional experiment without the motivated court decision in essence is a limitation of property rights, because complicates the owner’s possibility to carry out some actions in regard to the property. For this reason the obligatory condition of realization of such actions is an absolute observance of judicial form of criminal production.
Authors and Affiliations
Надія Сергіївна Моргун
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