Elements of Book Content: Features of Design and Influence on a Reader (Consumer)


The objective of the study was to find out the influence of book content elements on the target audience’s primary impression about the publication and their reading reactions. Methodology: The applicative base of the problem research are the results of a survey, which was made within reading audience (N = 600), publishers (N = 100), writers (N = 100) and librarians (N = 100) during May 30 – June 17 in 2018. The results of the survey were processed by sorting, classification, analysis and data comparison. The goals were to find out the main features of understanding the book content by the subjects of its creation and readers, to retrace the patterns of publishing preparation of book content elements, and the interdependence between the book’s perception and its design-conception. That is why different survey forms were used for the highlighted groups of respondents. The results. Publishers tend to overrate the influence of design-conception on reader’s choice. The primary impression and reactions about the publication correlate with the age and sex of the potential reader. Genre, title and author’s name have a key importance for readers, that is what writers also agree with. The title has the strongest influence on the teenager audience (under 16), and the weakest – on the audience at the age of 17–24. Author’s name has an essential value for the readers older than 45 years old, and the least – for teenagers under 16. Apart from author’s name and the book’s price, the most important is the title (for women) and the genre (for men). The book’s success depends on the efficiency of media field, built around the publication. Author’s status in the information field correlates with the interest regarding his next publications, thus forms its primary image, “semantic image”, even the image of publications, which are not completed.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Bidun


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  • EP ID EP454978
  • DOI 10.17721/2312-5160.2018.23.08-22
  • Views 160
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How To Cite

Anna Bidun (2018). Elements of Book Content: Features of Design and Influence on a Reader (Consumer). Актуальні питання масової комунікації; Current issues of mass communication, 19(23), 8-22. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-454978