Elements Of Public Action And Governance In Capture, Stocking And Carbon Transportation Activities


The present article intends to analyze and discuss the governance of the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technique within the Brazilian bureaucracy. The role of the Brazilian State in Public Action and Governance is also discussed, as well as the publication of Law 12,187, of December 29, 2009, which establishes the National Policy on Climate Change (MMA, 2018). In order to understand the articulation of social, political and legal rules and procedures related to the CCS activities in Brazil, it is necessary to detect overlaps, gaps and develop advances with a view to implementing a normative framework in addition to knowing, giving visibility and analyzing the actors involved in the different instances related to them and discussing their legitimacy. The present article serves as a literature that deals theoretically with the production of the cognitive of frameworks that give meaning to the actions in CCS as a mitigating element of climatic changes, aiming to describe its structures of action, rules, routines, procedures and the mobilization of social actors involved and their dynamic exchange.

Authors and Affiliations

Raíssa Moreira Lima Mendes Musarra, Hirdan Katarina DE Medeiros Costa


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Raíssa Moreira Lima Mendes Musarra, Hirdan Katarina DE Medeiros Costa (2018). Elements Of Public Action And Governance In Capture, Stocking And Carbon Transportation Activities. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 7(11), 46-53. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-416036