Eleonora Sapia-Drewniak: „Oświata Dorosłych” (1957–1990) jako źródło do dziejów edukacji dorosłych, Opole 2014, s. 282
Journal Title: Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 1
Authors and Affiliations
Paulina Depczyńska
Sprawozdanie z VI Walnego Zebrania Towarzystwa Historii Edukacji, Warszawa, 14 stycznia 2016 roku
Raport ministra Oświecenia Narodowego Awraama Norowa z wizytacji szkół Okręgu Naukowego Warszawskiego w 1856 roku
This inspection was a distinctive event for many reasons. Firstly, since the establishment of the School District of Warsaw 16 years ago no Enlightenment Minister had ever visited those schools. Secondly, the inspection...
Charitable work of rev. Karol Lubianiec (1866–1942)
The article (on the basis of the unpublished archival documents) presents the figure of rev. Karol Lubianiec, a great philanthropist, a teacher and a social ac- tivist. At the beginning of the 20th century he created the...
Władza rodzicielska ojca w świetle polskiej literatury pedagogicznej Oświecenia
The article is focused on the roots of parental authority, legitimization of that dominion and noticeable stepping changes in this area in the Age of Enlightenment. Primarily research has been concentrated on position o...
Konkurs na odznakę Związku Nauczycielstwa Polskiego (1932 rok)
Almost every organization has its own badge which gives the appearance of its members outside. Also Polish Teaching Union has such a badge, and its genesis reaches 1932, when it was announced a design contest of the new...