Energy and ecological efficiency as a result thermal modernization of buildings


The article presents the real results of the thermal modernization activity based on the monitoring of their effects conducted in selected educational building from 2011 to 2015, which was a representative of the evaluated group of buildings in the Silesian province. Thermal modernization of the buildings consisting in insulation of partitions by which heat loss from the building were followed, installation the central internal heat source for heating and domestic hot water heating systems was performed in a complex manner and in accordance with the guidelines resulting from the energy audit. The lack of thermal insulation in partitions caused that the building failed to comply with thermal protection requirements and was not energy efficient therefore generating considerable energy losses. The thermal modernization activities were aimed at improving the efficiency of the energy use for heating and preparation of the domestic warm water. The analysis includes energy consumption for heating of the building, electricity consumption and pollutant emissions to atmosphere of fuel combustion product. This analysis was carried out to evaluate the influence of energy saving activities on the state of the external environment. The monitoring of the results from conducted thermal modernization showed significant energy reduction effect and therefore also fuel consumption, emission levels and exploitation costs of the building.

Authors and Affiliations

A. Ujma


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How To Cite

A. Ujma (2016). Energy and ecological efficiency as a result thermal modernization of buildings. Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія "Теорія та практика будівництва", 0(844), 344-351.