Energy Expenditure of Walking in Obese Prepubertal Boys
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2003, Vol 13, Issue 26
Walking is one of the most suitable form of physical activity for obese people. There is no scientific information about physiological reactions and energy expenditure connected with walking in prepubertal boys. The study describes the level of physiological reactions during walking at different velocities in boys aged 9 - 10 years.The study was conducted on 19 obese boys and 19 non-obese boys, who performed two kinds of walks: the first with 3,6 km.h-1 and the second with 4,8 km.h-1. The level and dynamics of oxygen consumption and heart rate were studied. During walking efforts, global values of VO2 (l.min-1) were higher in the group of obese boys, but relative values ( were lower. The workload, expressed in %VO2max, during the first walk in obese boys was the same as during the second walk in non-obese boys. The values of heart rate in walking efforts were higher in the group of obese boys. The energy expenditure connected with walking was significantly higher in obese boys. The results show that relative workload during walking is higher in obese boys and this is caused by carrying of extra kilos of body mass during walking.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Gradek , Jerzy Cempla
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