The influence of visual and verbal information transfer on the effectiveness of learning and mastering swimming activities among students at the University School of Physical Education in Cracow
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2012, Vol 22, Issue 57
[b]Aim of the study[/b]. The study was aimed to determine the significance of visual and verbal information transfer in the process of learning, teaching and improving swimming activities. Before the research it was assumed that the method of learning and teaching swimming activities based on enhancing visual and verbal information transfer had much larger influence on the effectiveness of crawl technique than the standard method. [b]Material and methods[/b]. The study was carried out among the first-year male and female students at the University School of Physical Education in Cracow. The research group consisted of 104 participants (50 women and 54 men) divided into two groups: experimental (E) and control (K). The basic research method was pedagogical experiment combined with the technique of parallel groups. Another experimental factor was the method of teaching swimming activities that involved the implementation of visual and verbal information transfer enhanced with additional audio-visual technique and supplemented with self-observation and self-assessment.[b]Results[/b]. Statistically significant changes of the pretest and posttest measurements in the level of mastering crawl technique were noted, evidently higher in experimental (E) than in control (K) group, both ofwomen and men. [b]Conclusion[/b]. A significant correlation between the implemented method of teaching swimming activities and efficiency to master the technique of crawl was observed. The presented results of the study proved the usefulness in the search for didactic methods based on visual and verbal information transfer.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Dybińska, Marcin Kaca, Magdalena Zagórska
The publication of Włodzimierz Starosta's monography: Motoryczne zdolności koordynacyjne. Znaczenie, struktura, uwarunkowania, kształtowanie. (Motoric Co-ordinated Abilities. The Meaning, Structure, Condition, Formation)
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