Enhancement Entrepreneurial Readiness for Vocational High School Students in Terms of Transferable Skills, Competency Skills and Interest in Entrepreneurship
Journal Title: International Journal of Current Science Research and Review - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 05
The focus in this article is to reveal enhancement entrepreneurial readiness for high school students in terms of transferable skills, competency skills and interest in entrepreneurship. The design of this study uses quantitative correlational. The results of this study (1) There is a significant contribution of transferable skills, expertise competencies and interest in entrepreneurship to entrepreneurial readiness that is equal to 63.2%, (2) There is a significant contribution of transferable skills to entrepreneurial readiness that is equal to 26.1%. (3) There is a significant contribution of expertise competence to entrepreneurial readiness that is equal to 8.3%. (4) There is a significant contribution of interest in entrepreneurship to entrepreneurial readiness that is equal to 28.8%.
Authors and Affiliations
Purnomo . , Syamsul Hadi, Maftuchin Romlie,
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