EnSiteTM Precision-3D Cardiac Mapping System
Journal Title: European Journal of Medical Technologies - Year 2016, Vol 12, Issue 3
Impact of medical technologies and its use in electrophysiology was shown in this paper. New launched EnSiteTM Precision (St. Jude Medical) three-dimensional cardiac mapping system was introduced. The rule of 3D model heart creation based on impedance changes and beneficial combination with magnetic field was described such as new automated features developed in order to cardiac map preparation and lesion presentation. Development of medical technologies positively impacts on procedures performance what is especially noticeable in cardiology. Three-dimensional cardiac mapping systems used during ablations significantly influence on fluoroscopy reduction, opportunity of complex arrhythmias termination and decrease of procedure time duration. Launched in 2016 EnSiteTM Precision (St. Jude Medical) with its new features (combination of impedance and magnetic field, AutoMap, Automark) is a complex tool that can be used during performing ablation procedures.
Authors and Affiliations
Przemysław Zając, Łukasz Konarski, Maciej Wójcik
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