Ensuring the competitiveness of domestic food industry enterprises in the international market
Journal Title: Формування ринкових відносин в Україні. Збірник наукових праць - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1
The country's ability to take a worthy place in the global economy depends the ability of its firms to maintain decent seats in world markets. Therefore, in today's world, achieving and maintaining the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign markets is a prerequisite for increasing national competitiveness.
Authors and Affiliations
Modern state and estimation of hardware of the personal peasant economies of Volyn
In the article the modern state is analyzed and the estimation of logistical support of the personal peasant economies of the Volyn region is carried out. The necessity of development of agricultural attendant cooperatio...
Economic maintenance of export control
In scientific labour is resulted results of generalizations of economic maintenance of export control. Determinations of export control, which are pointed in different sources, are analysed. Export control is examined as...
«Autonomous shadow state» as threat of national safety
The article considers the essence, causes, particularly manifestations at different historical stages of the phenomenon of «autonomous shadow state» - the main tenizatora social processes, causes controversy in the link...
Вплив податкового боргу на споживання та інвестиції
На основі методології кейнсіанської наукової школи та «золотого» правила інвестування обґрунтовано наслідки впливу податкового боргу на сукупний попит та його складові. Доведено, що за умови повної та своєчасної сплати п...
Blocchyna technology as a new scheme of economic activity of Ukraine and the world
This article examines the features of new storage systems – blochain, the advantages and risks for network participants to create blocks and data chains, and analyzes the principle of operation of the block. The main are...