This study analyzes the processes of linguistic mediation of the literary text in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. Specifically, it explores variables readability incidents in faci...
This article presents the key -ideas of two programs that were designed for students from the 3rd and 6th school grade, as well as examples of didactic sequences to help improve reading c...
Within the different lessons that develop in the courses of Primary Education and Master of Teacher Education, a principal aspect is the professional competence and teacher’s noticing (Mason, 2002). Throu...
Mediación lingüística del texto literario en la enseñanza del español L2: un estudio sobre las variables de facilitación de la lectura y su legibilidad
This study analyzes the processes of linguistic mediation of the literary text in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. Specifically, it explores variables readability incidents in faci...
La lectura y la competencia lectora en el siglo XXI Entrevista a ASCEN DÍEZ DE ULZURRUN PAUSAS
La lectura y la competencia lectora en el siglo XXI Entrevista a ASCEN DÍEZ DE ULZURRUN PAUSASPor Moisés Selfa Sastre
Los desafíos de enseñar a comprender
This article presents the key -ideas of two programs that were designed for students from the 3rd and 6th school grade, as well as examples of didactic sequences to help improve reading c...
Mirar como maestros para el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora. Blogs educativos para la competencia profesional en futuros docentes
Within the different lessons that develop in the courses of Primary Education and Master of Teacher Education, a principal aspect is the professional competence and teacher’s noticing (Mason, 2002). Throu...
Entrevista a Stephen Krashen
Entrevista a Stephen Krashen