Eosinophilic Ulcer of the Tongue – Clinico-Pathological Analysis
Journal Title: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 4
Eosinophilic ulcer is an uncommon self limiting lesion, clinically manifest as a solitary ulceration with elevated indurated border affecting the tongue. The etiology remains obscure, although trauma plays a major role. Clinically it closely mimics malignant ulcer and traumatic ulcer cause difficulty in diagnosis and can lead to over diagnosis. Aim to study & discuss a series of cases of eosinophilic ulcer of tongue with a clinicopathological analysis. Ten cases of eosinophilic ulcers were analyzed clinically with a detailed history. H & E stained sections were obtained to of 3-4 µm thickness were obtained to study the detailed histopathology. Patients reported with a pain (8/10) & non healing ulcer (2/10) with a mean age of 52 years & an equal distribution among both the sexes. Solitary ulcers varying in size from 1-3 cms in diameter were seen on the poteriolateral border of tongue with indurated, erythematous margins & existed with the duration from few days to several months. Patient had history of tobacco usage (2/10) & an adjacent sharp cusp tooth (4/10). The provisional diagnosis was either traumatic ulcer or malignancy. Incisional biopsy was performed & histopathological examination revealed an ulcerated epithelium and inflammatory infiltrate comprised of lymphocytes, histiocytes and predominantly eosinophils in the stoma. The inflammatory cells extended deep into the muscle fibers. Eosinophilic ulcer was confirmed. None of the patients reported & uneventful healing was seen within 1-2 months. Eosinophilic ulcer is a histopathological diagnosis; biopsy helps to confirm and also aids in differentiate it from other lesions ranging from reactive, granulomatous to malignancy.
Authors and Affiliations
Hallikeri Kaveri, Acharya Swetha, Shetty Shravya Jagnath
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