Epenthesis And Syncope in Some Arabic Dialects


Optimality Theory (OT) predicts conspiracy effects where the operation of several rules produce the same phonetic effect. This study investigates the predicted correlation of syncope and epenthesis in four Arabic dialects: Omani, Iraqi, Egyptian, and Sudanese. These four dialects all possess underlying CVCVC sequences where both vowels can be potential targets for syncope, and underlying CCC sequences where epenthesis is possible either between the first and second or between the second and third consonants. In Omani and Iraqi epenthesis works differently from Egyptian and Sudanese. Syncope, which is also attested in all four dialects, works the same in each, taking the input CVCVC, where both syllables are light, to CVCC. Notice, however, that while both syncope and epenthesis are governed by the same output constraint in Iraqi and Omani, fulfilling the prediction of a conspiracy effect, in Egyptian and Sudanese the outputs are governed by distinct output constraints, and the predicted conspiracy is not observed.

Authors and Affiliations

Seham Elashhab


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How To Cite

Seham Elashhab (2018). Epenthesis And Syncope in Some Arabic Dialects. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 7(1), 1-11. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-398198