Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of the sinonasal malignancies
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 4
Introduction. Sinonasal malignances (SNM) usually present as a diffi cult diagnostic and therapeutic problem. In the paper presented, the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of SNM, diagnosed in Holy Cross Cancer Center in Kielce (Dept. of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery), from 2001 to 2007, as well as a calculated survival rates are discussed. Material and methods. From the hospital data and current clinical observations of 87 patients with SNM the age, sex, localization, stage of the disease, pathology and treatment applied, was taken for analysis. In cases with at least 3 year observation, the Kaplan-Meier survival curves were calculated. Results. In the analyzed group of 87 cases, ranging from 8 to 82 years of age (average 62,3 years), there was 48 male, and 39 female patients (M : F = 1,2 : 1). 59,8% of all group was in the age above 60 years, with the most common age group 71-80 years (33,3%). The most common defi ned localization was a maxillary sinus (33,3%), but due to very advanced stage at time of diagnosis in 37,9% of cases, the precise localization within the region was not possible to defi ne. The primary epithelial tumors were diagnosed in 52,9% (n = 46), of all SNM, the non epithelial malignant tumors in 42,5% (n = 37), and metastatic tumors to the nose and paranasal sinuses in 4,6% (n = 4). In the group of epithelial SNM the Squamous cell carcinoma dominated (26/46–56,5%), and in the non epithelial SNM the most common group was a malignant lymphoma (10/37–27,0%). At time of diagnosis the majority of patients with epithelial SNM (80,4%) presented with advanced local stage of the disease (T3+T4a+T4b). The combined modality treatment was applied in the most of patients in the analyzed group (79,3%). The probability of 3 years disease free survival, calculated with Kaplan-Meier method was 64,0%, and 5-years survival – 45,0%. Conclusions. 1. The SNM present as a very heterogeneous group of tumors 2. The most common SNM are a Squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant lymphoma. 3. The majority of SNM are diagnosed at then advanced stage of local disease. 4. The calculated probability of 3-years survival was 64,0%, and 5-years survival 45,0%. 5. The diagnostic, as well as therapeutic approach to SNM requires a multidisciplinary cooperation.
Authors and Affiliations
Stanisław Żyłka, Bartłomiej Kamiński, Sylwia Postuła, Magdalena Ziółkowska
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