Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita mediated by IgA immunoglobulins of childhood
Journal Title: Dermatologia Kliniczna - Year 2008, Vol 10, Issue 2
We present an 11 -years-old girl with disseminated tense blisters on the face and abdomen accompanied by erosions on oral mucosa. Based on the clinical features and results of immunofluorescence study on patient’s skin diagnosis of linear IgA bullous dermatosis (LABD) was established. During 7 months the patient was treated with combined therapy using dapsone and metylprednisolone with remissions and relapses. This time skin lesion were limited to the traumatized areas and healing with atrophic scars and milia. Taking under consideration changing clinical picture laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) was performed showing the presence of in vivo bound immunoglobulions below the collagen IV, characteristically for epidermolysis bullosa ac-quisita (EBA). Indirect immunofluorescence study disclosed the presence of circulating IgA antibody at the basement membrane zone. Our study showed that inflammatory type of EBA of childchood may mimic LABD and an application of LSCM allows differentiating EBA from LABD.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Huczek, Katarzyna Woźniak
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