Ergonomic aspects of shaping new forms of work
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie - Year 2017, Vol 33, Issue 1
The article consists of nine parts: introduction, seven sections and concluding remarks. The introduction indicates that the growth in the importance of knowledge, technological capacity and human capital brings about changes which pose a challenge for the component of any organisation which is its employees. The second part of the article characterizes the flexibility of working time, which increases satisfaction among employees. The following, third part discusses part-time work, paying particular attention to the benefits and the consequences of such an arrangement. The fourth part of the elaboration concerns fixed-term contracts, which are beneficial primarily to employers. The next, fifth part of this article discusses on-call employment, which due to its nature makes the employee dependent on the employer. Polish legislation does not include regulations regarding on-call employment. A new form of employment and work organisation is teleworking – the sixth section. It has many advantages of ergonomic nature because the employee enjoys considerable freedom in time and space organisation. A new form of work known as temporary employment is presented in the seventh section of the article. This form of employment is used in the case of seasonal, periodic, relatively ad hoc workers. The eighth section presents job rotation. The form of work in this system is a modern technique of company work organisation. This model combines two policies: training and employment. This form in no way hinders the operation of the company and on the contrary, its employees have a chance for continuous training, as well as improving their qualifications. In the concluding remarks, an ergonomic assessment of new forms of work organisation was made.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Budniak, Wiesław Grzybowski, Jerzy Olszewski
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