EROI of the Ukrainian coal


The concept of EROI (energy return on investment) has become a commonly used synonym for energy efficiency, an alternative to traditional economic evaluation. This work was carried out with the goal of drawing up methodology for determining the significance of the main factors affecting the dynamics of the energy efficiency of Ukrainian coal and assessing the real situation in the coal branch. The coal mining enterprise is represented in the form of distributed flows of coal, symbolizing the energy resources: actually spent at the mine; sent to the metallurgical (by-product) plant; to the power station; spent in the everyday life of all technologically related enterprises personnel, etc.

Authors and Affiliations

D. Cherevatskyi, O. Atabyekov


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How To Cite

D. Cherevatskyi, O. Atabyekov (2017). EROI of the Ukrainian coal. Науковий журнал "Економічний вісник Донбасу", 4(50), 20-31.