Errata: 53(1), p. 10.
Journal Title: Obzornik zdravstvene nege - Year 2019, Vol 53, Issue 2
Authors and Affiliations
Brigita Skela-Savič, Sanela Pivač, Vesna Čuk, Branko Gabrovec
Brigita Skela-Savič, Sanela Pivač, Vesna Čuk, Branko Gabrovec
Understanding the role of a nurse in facilitating lifestyle change among former illicit substance abusers
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Prevalence of the sick building syndrome in hospitals in relation to environmental factors
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Utrinek časa ob stoletnici poklica medicinske sestre na Slovenskem
Vpliv načina poroda na tveganje za intrakranialne krvavitve pri novorojenčku
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Prevalence and characteristics of tobacco and cannabis co-use in 15-year-old students in Slovenia
Introduction: While the co-use of tobacco and cannabis is common among adolescents, no data on this topic is currently available for Slovenia. The purpose of this study was therefore to explore the prevalence and&nb...