Erratum to: 'Endoscopic treatment of giant skull base osteomas' [Otolaryngol Pol 2011; 65 (6): 410–413]
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 4
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Oleś, Paweł Stręk, Maciej Wiatr, Jacek Składzień, Jerzy Tomik, Agnieszka Morawska, Joanna Szaleniec
Ocena skuteczności leczenia dysfunkcji trąbek słuchowych przy pomocy inhalatora dyszowego AMSA
Wstęp: Zapalenia górnych dróg oddechowych są częstymi chorobami wieku dziecięcego. Dzieci są bardziej podatne na zakażenia ucha środkowego, ponieważ ich trąbka słuchowa jest krótka, prosta i szeroka. W konsekwencji powyż...
Risk of distant metastases after postoperative radiation therapy for locally advanced laryngeal cancer
Purpose. To evaluate the prognostic factors for the risk of distant metastases after postoperative radiotherapy for laryngeal cancer. Material and methods. Medical records of 267 patients cancer treated between 1997 and...
Long-term results and cause of failure analysis in larynx cancer patients irradiated conventionally and with accelerated fractionation schedules in 1995 – 1998
The clinical material consists of 217 patients with squamous cell carcinoma in supraglottic and glottic larynx in clinical stage T1– 3N0M0 irradiated radi cally in Warsaw Oncology Centre in 1995–1998. All patients were t...
Mucoepidermoid cancer of parotid gland in 14-years-old girl — case report
SUMMARY Intrnduction Malignant tumors of salivary glands are rare, especially in children. AAałarial and małhnrl. We present a case report of 14-years-old girl affected by mucoepidermoid cancer of parotid gland. Result!...
Wpływ wybranych czynników kliniczno-morfologicznych na wyniki leczenia chorych z zawansowanym rakiem krtani
Introduction: The aim of the study was to indicate independent prognostic factors of treatment in group of patients with advanced cancer of the larynx. Material and method: The paper presents results of univariate and mu...