Eş’arî’nin İrade Konusunda Yorumladığı Bazı Ayetlere Bütüncül Bir Bakış
Journal Title: Eskiyeni - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 31
RAl-Ashari was undoubtedly one of the leading scholars who played an important role in the growth of Islamic culture and thought in the early 4th century hegira. A lot of criticism has been directed against al-Ashari himself and the Ashari school by Islamic as well as Western scholars. It has been claimed that the Ash’ari teology school contributed greatly to the spread of a strong pre-determinist perception of fate (al-Cabriyya) among Muslim societies. In this article, while examining al-Ashari’s opinions about will and his comments of Quranic verses, we usually look at the context from which his comments were made. While al-Ashari has agreed that human action has an existence, he could not take up a clear position about human’s role in his action. As a consequence of his overreaction against Mutazila, he made statements which amounted to restricting human’s freedom of action and stripped human of his power to choose his actions.
Authors and Affiliations
Faruk Görgülü
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