Eski Mezopotamya'da Kadınların Diplomasideki Rolü Bağlamında Mari Kraliçesi Şibtu'nun Yazışmalarından Örnekler
Journal Title: Archivum Anatolicum-Anadolu Arsivleri - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 2
The Examples of Correspondences of Šibtu, the Queen of Mari, in the Context of the Role of the Women in Diplomacy in Ancient Mesopotamia The political balances that changed with the migration of Amurru at the beginning of the millennium BC II in Mesopotamia have begun to be shaped by the establishment of many city-states small and large by Amorite rulers. The city of Mari, which was founded on the banks of the Euphrates River constituted an important station of commerce between Mesopotamia, Anatolia and the north of Syria. Records from Mari revealed that the commercial center had a very rich palace economy. Mari's queen created this palace in the management of the economy has taken an active role in the economy and this is particularly supported by significant contributions harem of the palace. The diplomatic or administrative letters on the economic functioning of the palace by Šibtu, the Mari queen during the period of Mari king Zimri-Lim, provided a primary source of information about the queen's authority and the Mari palace economy supported by the harem industry. In this study, it is aimed to generally analyze in the context of the letters of the queen Šibtu focuses on the tasks of the queen in the management of Mari palace and the fulfillment of these duties from the point of view of women.
Authors and Affiliations
Nurgül Yıldırım
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