Esp teaching: traditions, innovations and challenges


The paper highlights innovative approaches to teaching languages, follows the backgrounds of their emergence, and considers their connections with linguistic and psychological scientific developments. The aim of the paper is to point out the issues applicable in teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) at Technical Universities of Ukraine to answer the modern challenges. The authors analyze the existing situation and problems in teaching and learning process organization and suggest some classroom activities to enhance foreign language education at Technical Universities. Diglot-weave technique of R. Burling is examined in particular. The above mentioned technique can be used within ESP classroom framework. Its use can yield impressive results in teaching terminology and other specific vocabulary.

Authors and Affiliations

Ірина Степанова, Ольга Яковець


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How To Cite

Ірина Степанова, Ольга Яковець (2016). Esp teaching: traditions, innovations and challenges. Збірник наукових праць "Педагогічний альманах", 3(31), 182-187.