Esta Canción Es Como un Río: La Creación Musical Colectiva Como Punto de Partida para la Transformación Social en Antioquia

Journal Title: Revista Académica Estesis - Year 2023, Vol 1, Issue 14


This text describes the development of an experience of collaboration between musicians from the departments of Chocó and Antioquia who decide to come together to discuss their cultural practices, share their musical pieces, and create collective music during the confinement times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the project "La Chirinuestra in musical dialogues between the valley, the mountain, and the sea," questions were formulated regarding the restoration of social fabric and the affirmation of cultural identities of four musical groups in the department of Antioquia, specifically in the municipalities of Támesis, Campamento, Necoclí, and Acandí. In evaluating this experience and delving into the relationship between musical practices and the restoration of social fabric, it is pertinent to mention three elements: collective musical creation, musical dialogues, and the sound logbook between the valley, the mountain, and the sea. Therefore, to describe the creative experience of these musical groups (La Chirinuestra from Medellín, El Totumo Encantado from Necoclí, and the group Rebelion from Támesis), the narrative of the river flowing through three different geographies and moments is adopted: the mountain, where the river is born; the valley, as it flows; and finally, the sea -or the gulf- where it ends

Authors and Affiliations

Juan Fernando Alazate Londoño


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How To Cite

Juan Fernando Alazate Londoño (2023). Esta Canción Es Como un Río: La Creación Musical Colectiva Como Punto de Partida para la Transformación Social en Antioquia. Revista Académica Estesis, 1(14), -.