Estimation of Patient Knowledge on Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Range of Their Own Disease – Preliminary Study
Journal Title: Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine - Year 2012, Vol 21, Issue 3
Background. Knowledge is an essential element of treatment which allows patients to take care of themselves, to undertake every day activities and to make decisions essential from the point of view of health. A patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis needs support, assistance from his family and from medical staff. It depends on him how much the disease will change his life and how he will cope with all the problems related to the psychological, physical and social aspects of life. Each patient should know what his disease is. If he does not receive this information from the qualified staff, he will try to find some information from different sources and then the information may be incomplete and may provoke negative reactions which will make the process of treatment more difficult. Objectives. Defining the source of the patient’s knowledge about his disease and the role and tasks of health education in transferring knowledge to the patient and in building his attitude to the treatment. Increasing participation of a therapeutic team in health education in order to propagate the awareness and need of prevention and physical effort for bringing back normal state of health. Material and Methods. The subject of studies included 270 people with rheumatoid arthritis. The patients examined were treated in the Clinic of Rheumatology and Internal Diseases of the University of Wrocław since 1st February, 2010 till 15th February, 2011. A self-made questionnaire was used for studies, aimed at obtaining basic information about patients with a diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis. Statistical calculations were made with package Statistica 9 PL. Tests on essentiality of differences were calculated with T-Student test for quantitative data and c2 test for qualitative data. Abroad, the level of significance was a value of 0.05.
Authors and Affiliations
Aleksandra Pytel, Zdzisława Wrzosek
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