Estimation of wind erosion rates of Mongolian Plateau by using 137Cs tracing technique
Journal Title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation - Year 2010, Vol 42, Issue 1
Wind erosion is one of the major environmental problems in semi-arid and arid regions. Here we established a transect from northwest (Tariat, Mongolia) to southeast (Xilingol, Inner Mongolia of China) across the Mongolian Plateau, and selected eight sampling sites along the transect. We then estimated the soil wind erosion rates by using the [sup]137[/sup]Cs tracing technique and examined their spatial dynamics. In the Mongolia section (from Tariat to Sainshand), the wind erosion rate increased gradually with vegetation type and climatic regimes; the wind erosion process was controlled by physical factors such as annual precipitation and vegetation coverage, etc. While in the China section (Inner Mongolia), the wind erosion rates of Xilinhot, Zhengxiangbai Banner and Taipusi Banner were thrice as much as those of Bayannur of Mongolia, although these four sites were all dominated by typical steppe. Besides the physical factors, higher population density and livestock carrying level should be responsible for the higher wind erosion rates in these regions of Inner Mongolia.
Authors and Affiliations
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