Artykuł prezentuje analizę innowacyjności przedsiębiorstw górniczych opartą na ocenie innowacji wprowadzonych przez wybrane przedsiębiorstwo górnicze z województwa śląskiego. Analizy dokonano na podstawie wyników badania...
[b]Background.[/b] This article focuses on the issues of competitiveness in non-public universities. [b]Research aims. [/b]The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the specific nature of non-public universities’ operation...
Thinking about the future and planning for it has long been the subject of management. In this context, different approaches are of interest, one of today's is foresight, often mixed with strategic management. What disti...
[b]Background. [/b]The authors raise the issues of identification, evaluation and measurement of the effects brought by innovations particularly in small and medium-sized companies. This article reviews some of the world...
Within the context of contemporary challenges of the twenty first century there is a need for change in practice of educational leadership and everyday school management. That change needs transformation of thinking abou...
EP ID EP58047
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How To Cite
Jarosław Kaczmarek (2012). Estymacja modelu regresji logistycznej zagrożenia upadłością przedsiębiorstw. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 11(1),
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Innowacje w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem górniczym
Artykuł prezentuje analizę innowacyjności przedsiębiorstw górniczych opartą na ocenie innowacji wprowadzonych przez wybrane przedsiębiorstwo górnicze z województwa śląskiego. Analizy dokonano na podstawie wyników badania...
Issues of Competitiveness of Non-Public Universities in Poland
[b]Background.[/b] This article focuses on the issues of competitiveness in non-public universities. [b]Research aims. [/b]The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the specific nature of non-public universities’ operation...
Mapping and foresight – some methodological aspects of one of the research trends in management science
Thinking about the future and planning for it has long been the subject of management. In this context, different approaches are of interest, one of today's is foresight, often mixed with strategic management. What disti...
Effects of Innovation and their Measurement in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
[b]Background. [/b]The authors raise the issues of identification, evaluation and measurement of the effects brought by innovations particularly in small and medium-sized companies. This article reviews some of the world...
Educational leadership. Key elements supporting teaching and learning
Within the context of contemporary challenges of the twenty first century there is a need for change in practice of educational leadership and everyday school management. That change needs transformation of thinking abou...