
У статті проаналізовані етнічні ідентичності в дзеркалі сучасної культури населення Приазов‟я. Автор дослідив феномен ідентичності, а також чинники, які впливають на формування характеру та рис етносів, їхні взаємовпливи та прояви акультурації і декультурації, а також асиміляції і породження нового специфічного «приазовського типу» суспільного етосу. The article analyzes the ethnic identity of the population of Azov region in the contemporary mirror of culture. The author studied the phenomenon of identity and the factors that impact on the character and features of ethnic groups and their mutual manifestation of acculturation and deculturation, assimilation and generation of new specific “Azov-type” social ethnos. The article notes that international and domestic social science, various theoretical and methodological aspects and outlined problems are researched as fairly active. It addresses such foreign scholars as G. Hofstede, K. Kazmir, K. Klakhon F. Strodbek, E. Stewart, J. Traher, F. Trompenaars, and Hall E. Recently enhanced role in such an important parameter of ethnic identity - ethnic psychology has made a set of specific traits, mentality and consciousnessly. This sign advocated the Russian philosopher G. Shpet, who, in his book “Introduction to ethnic Psychology”, suggested that we need to study the psychology of the people on the basis of objective comprehension of the meaning of cultural phenomena, which were recorded as typical subjective feelings of the people. According to his concept, “the spirit of the people”, people's character symbolizes the meaning and idea of people. In modern ethnology it is an established opinion about the presence of static and dynamic psychological traits of ethnicity: the first is the resistant product of ethnogenesis, others may change, disappear and appear again. Static components include ethnic psychology, ethnic character, temperament, ethnic consciousness and mentality of people. The ethnic character is a collection of the most distinct personal attributes (physical and spiritual) of mental structure, typical representative of a particular ethnic group. This concept is virtual and generalized, because the mind of every person is individual. Ethnic stereotypes found in nature perception, feeling, behaviour and set not only by self-assessment, but also based on stereotyping traits of representatives of other ethnic groups. This topic affects the research of Ukrainian scientists. For example, P. and B. Pavlenko Gnatenko made a thorough analysis of the philosophical and psychological concepts of value and identity authentication and the main sign of identification is procedural. Therefore, identification is the process of individual socialization, which affects the development of its identity and socialization, it cannot take place without a communicative action. Ukrainian scientists - L. Aza, Vyshnyak O., E. Golovakha, N. Kostenko, M. Naumova A. Handle, L. Skokova, V. Stepanenko, M. Shulga and others - researched the communication in a multicultural space of modern Ukraine. We will try to analyze the problem of ethnic identity on the territory of modern Ukrainian Azov region. Thus, the purpose of the article is to study the impact of ethnic identities (specific cultural traits, specific ethnic groups) on the state of the culture of the region. Researching ethnic identity in the mirror of public culture of modern Ukrainian Azov region, the author concludes that historical factors influenced on its culture, policies, ethnonational features of people. This all led and leads to “eternal” search of its identity. Therefore, we can conclude that today, on the Ukrainian territory in the Azov region, there is a specific type of social ethos, which represents the modern culture of the society in the region.

Authors and Affiliations

Bogdan Sliushchynskyi


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Bogdan Sliushchynskyi (2016). ЕТНІЧНІ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ В ДЗЕРКАЛІ КУЛЬТУРИ СУЧАСНОГО НАСЕЛЕННЯ УКРАЇНСЬКОГО ПРИАЗОВ’Я. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 6(12), 138-147. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433380