Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 15
У статті розглядаються основні позиції, що стосуються виконавських аспектів хорового диригування. Розвідка містить дефініцію самого диригування, а також зазначає перелік якостей диригента та вимог до диригентської майстерності. Диригування, суть якого полягає в організації колективного виконання музики й забезпеченні цілісності та єдності функціонування художнього ансамблю, вважається досить складною музичною спеціальністю, оскільки вимагає цілого комплексу знань, умінь, особистісних якостей і відрізняється поліфункціональністю в структурі професійної діяльності, тому диригентській майстерності присвячена значна частина музично-педагогічних творів. The article is devoted to the main positions concerning the performance aspects of choral conducting. The study contains the definition of conduct, as well as a list of the music conductor’s qualities and requirements for conducting skills. The essence of conducting is the organization of collective music performance and it is also expressed in ensuring the integrity and unity of the artistic ensemble’s functioning. At the same time conducting, in particular choral conducting, is considered as quite a complicated musical speciality, since it requires a whole range of knowledge, skills, personal qualities and it is multifunctional in the structure of professional activity. Therefore, a significant part of musical and pedagogical works is devoted to the conductor’s skills. The performing skill in the context of conducting is expressed in the creative master’s task, namely: the presentation of the artistic and creative result to the listener who perceives the final musical product. This can be expressed through the art and informational scheme: “poet – composer – conductor – choir – listener”. The conductor, in this chain, performs the most responsible creative role because he must perceive and transform the musical art content of the work; also the conductor interprets the work and communicates the results of his interpretation to the choir. Therefore, he performs the role of double responsibility: on the one hand, the conductor is the art director of the choir, and on the other, he is the teacher of the listener’s musical tastes. The musical work’s result depends on the understanding by the master of the architectonics of the work performed, the tempo, articulation, agogics, strokes and nuances, dynamics, timbre, the methods of conducting and chosen approaches to the next parts of the work and the acme, from the knowledge of the laws of musical drama, based on the methods of comparison, contrast, associative thinking, ability to reveal the main conflict. Accordingly, without strong performing liberty, it is impossible to create individual interpretations and handlings of the works, combining performers and the choir into a single “instrument”. In the context of pedagogy, the discipline “choral conducting” in the system of musical and pedagogical education is important in this sense, and the conduction here appears as a kind of transfer of music into a sign and mimic language, into the language of body and language in general, the transfer of the sound image into the language of visual images – optical, and the main purpose of these processes is to ensure the collective performance of the musical composition and to manage it (in the field of this research – choral performance). In the method of teaching this subject, the necessary direction is the development of the deep and emotional perception of musical material, which requires careful, long and hard preparation. The author gives the multidisciplinary nature of the topic under study; addressing to it remains relevant.
Authors and Affiliations
Вікторія Володимирівна Шевченко, Світлана Альбертівна Добронравова, Олена Юріївна Ноздріна
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