Etyka i deontologia w spotkaniu poradniczym. Od teorii ku praktyce
Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2016, Vol 61, Issue 2
This article contains considerations on counselling in the context of how it is situated within ethical and deontological standards. The theoretical concept is an attempt to show the combination of ethics and deontology in the counselling proceedings. For this purpose the authors refer to the specific code of conduct intended for supportive proceedings determined by axiological ethics, normative ethics and deontological issues in their broadest sense, which concerns the liability towards the supported individual. To make the discussion implementable the authors also refer to the practice of counselling intervention as something integrated with ethical proceedings. Therefore, the considerations included herein show that no sort of activity within the area of help and social support can be independent of axiology. This is because each counsellor who establishes a specific relationship with the supported person enters the ethical space being more or less aware of this fact.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Franciszek Wojciechowski, Sylwia Opozda-Suder
Danuta Anna Michałowska, Neoliberalizm i jego (nie) etyczne implikacje edukacyjne, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań 2013, 344 s.
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