Evaluating the risk of falls and the possibility of standing back up after a fall in patients recovering from orthopedic surgery of the hip
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2004, Vol 6, Issue 6
Background. The incidence of falls among the elderly is widely recognized to have serious medical and economic consequences. The present study aimed to assess the risk of falls and the individual’s ability to cope afterwards in geriatric patients who had undergone hip replacement surgery.Materials and methods. In the period 2000-2003 we examined 50 patients (39 women, 11 men; age range 65-83 years). The potential risk of falls and the individual’s ability to cope afterwards was assessed twice, 6 and 12 months after hip replacement surgery, using the Pilet and Swine method, in conjunction with the Berg test.Results. Within 6 months of surgery, the risk of fall remained the highest during postural shifts (e. g. from a sitting to a fully upright position, climbing stairs) in 64% of the patients, whereas in 52% the greatest risk occurred while lifting objects off the floor and turning around. Within the same period, 86% found it impossible to pull themselves upright after a fall when lying face-down, and 78% when kneeling on one knee. Within a year, the risk of fall remained the same, whereas regaining a fully upright position when lying face-down was found to be impossible for 64%, and when kneeling on one knee only, for 60% of our patients.
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Żak, Anna Skalska
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