Evaluation of anxiety and depression in the perioperative period in patients subjected to myocardial revascularization

Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2012, Vol 46, Issue 1


Aim. The aim of the paper is to define a relationship between the anxiety level and depression intensification, as well as to define the impact of: age, sex, education level and family situation on the anxiety level and depression intensification in the pre- and postoperative period in patients subjected to myocardial revascularisation (CABG). Method. Prospective studies were carried out in a group of 100 patients qualified for the surgical myocardial revascularisation in the planned course. The Polish version of the STAI questionnaire was applied to study anxiety as a state and as a trait. Depression intensification was evaluated with the Beck depression scale. Results. 1. The intensity of depression significantly correlates with anxiety as a state and anxiety as a trait before and after CABG surgery. 2. When assessing anxiety as a state, its negative correlation with male patients and with age before CABG were found. A negative correlation of anxiety as a state with a patient’s age was identified after CABG. 3. When assessing anxiety as a trait, its negative correlation with male patients before CABG was found. 4. The intensity of depression correlates significantly and negatively with the educational background of the patient before and after CABG surgery. 5. There is no statistically significant correlation between anxiety, depression and family situation in the perioperative period.

Authors and Affiliations

Adam Pawlak, Michał Krejca, Małgorzata Janas-Kozik, Irena Krupka-Matuszczyk, Jolanta Rajewska, Andrzej Bochenek


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How To Cite

Adam Pawlak, Michał Krejca, Małgorzata Janas-Kozik, Irena Krupka-Matuszczyk, Jolanta Rajewska, Andrzej Bochenek (2012). Evaluation of anxiety and depression in the perioperative period in patients subjected to myocardial revascularization. Psychiatria Polska, 46(1), 63-74. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-119603