Evaluation of complete blood count parameters in placenta previa cases

Journal Title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 2


Objective: In this study, we investigated the relationship between complete blood count parameters and placenta previaMethods:İn this study, 90 patients with pre-operative placenta previa diagnosis and 92 patients with previous cesarean section or elective cesarean section due to uterine surgery and 100 patients with  vaginal delivery, total 282 patients were included. Results:Patient age, gravida and parity scores were significantly higher in the placenta previa group (p <0,001, p = 0,006, p = 0,014, respectively).Gestational age at birth and birth weight of infants were found to be significantly lower than control groups (p <0.001).There was no significant difference between body mass index (BMI) and past curettage numbers (p = 0,338, p = 0,633, respectively). Hemoglobin and hematocrit values were lower in placenta previa and elective cesarean groups (p <0.001).The calculated neutrophil / lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet / lymphocyte ratio (PLR) were significantly higher in the placenta previa group (p = 0.020, p = 0.048). Conclusion:Placenta previa is important in our daily practice due to massive maternal bleeding and high maternal and neonatal morbidity. NLR and PLR values calculated by simple blood count parameters ,besides ultrasonographic evaluation, can be used as an auxiliary parameter in the diagnosis of placenta previa cases.

Authors and Affiliations

Fatma Nurgül Taşgöz, Muzaffer Temur, Engin Korkmazer, Tayfur Çift, Anıl İçel Saygı, Gülçin Serpim, Bülent ÇAKMAK, Emin Üstünyurt


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  • EP ID EP423452
  • DOI 10.16899/gopctd.424217
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How To Cite

Fatma Nurgül Taşgöz, Muzaffer Temur, Engin Korkmazer, Tayfur Çift, Anıl İçel Saygı, Gülçin Serpim, Bülent ÇAKMAK, Emin Üstünyurt (2018). Evaluation of complete blood count parameters in placenta previa cases. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE, 8(2), 117-121. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-423452