Evaluatıon Of Fınancıal Performans In Health Organızatıons: The Case Of Karaman State Hospıtal
Journal Title: The Journal of International Scientific Researches - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1
Today, changing competition conditions have negatif managerial and financial impacts on healt organization. Organization need performans measurement systems for adapting themselves to increasing competition and changing enviromental conditions, determining the stage of the targets which is constructed according to their goals in the applications. Performans measurement systems are analized two size, first size is financial performans measurement and the other size is non-financial performans measurement. Performans measurement in state hospitals as is knomn non-profit organization based on non-financial perfomans measurement. State hospitals are non-profit organizations but this oragnaizations have to use efficient their sources. Also efficient usage of sources are very important for organizations. Organizations have to apply financial performans measurement because of using efficient sources and determining existent problems. The main aims of this study are to measure financial performans of Karaman State Hospital. For this purpose, we applied ratio analysis between the years of 2003-2007 financial statements of Karaman State Hospital. And than, we try to determine among the ratios variances and to reveal this variances causes.
Authors and Affiliations
Handan Çam
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