Evaluation of Healthcare Professionals' Approach to Child Abuse and Neglect
Journal Title: Yeni Yuzyil Journal of Medical Sciences - Year 2021, Vol 2, Issue 2
Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the awareness of healthcare providers about child abuse and to propose solutions by identifying possible problems. Material and Methods: In this study was administered to 256 healthcare providers who were in charge in three private hospitals in Istanbul and who accepted to study between January and July 2017. Results: When examining the status of education for child abuse and neglect during the education of healthcare providers participating in the study; 60% of midwives, 49% of nurses, 70% of doctors and 18% of health professionals specified that they had an education. Nevertheless, 38% of midwives, 58% of nurses, 71% of doctors and 87% of healthcare professionals stated that they did not have enough education. They have stated that about 30% of midwives and nurses have not reported in the past five years, despite the fact that child abuse and neglect confronts the suspected event. It was also found that approximately 80% of midwives, nurses and healthcare professionals who participated in the study were not sufficiently knowledgeable about Shaken baby and Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Discussion and Conclusion: The results show that the education was not enough on this issue. In this respect, it is suggested that education programs for the healthcare providers and administrators on child abuse and forensic nursing issues should be arranged to overcome the shortcomings in this issue.
Authors and Affiliations
Meryem KANAT, Itır ERKAN
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