Evaluation of life quality of patients with chronic hepatitis C
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 4
The article presents the adaptation data of the quality of life questionnaire (QOL) in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (CVHC). Ball score of QOL of patients with CVHC was 5.09±1.04, 2nd group (with co-infection with HIV / HCV) - 4.60±1.13, control group - 5.92±0.52 (p<0.05)). The results of the analysis show that co-infection HIV / HCV is a serious problem for patients and significantly affects QOL. The use of the QOL questionnaire for chronic liver disease is a sensitive tool for measuring QOL in patients with CVHC and co-infection HIV / HCV. This informative and economical method can be implemented to assess the patient's health both at the group and individual levels in patients with chronic liver disease in the population of Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
O. P. Shevchenko-Makarenko, L. R. Schostakovych-Korets'ka, Z. O. Chykarenko, V. D. Tkachenko, O. O. Lisnicha
Гемодинаміка, функціональний стан ендотелію судин, нирок та тромбоцитів залежно від індексу маси тіла при хронічній серцевій недостатності зі збереженою систолічною функцією
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