Evaluation of morphofunctional development level in adolescents from ecologically threatened regions – early report

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2010, Vol 20, Issue 52


[b]Aim of the work.[/b] With the progress of civilization and increasing industrialization, a number of threats to health and correct functioning of the human organism is increasing. Amongst many factors the more and more great attention is being paid to the influence of the environmental pollution on morphofunctional development of man. The aim of work was searching the level of basic somatic and functional parameters at boys and girls inhabiting the contaminated ecologically region.[b]Material and methods. [/b]The subjects selected for the study were young people aged 14 years from the city Legnica, located in the Copper Mine District. The research was provided in April and May 2009 and there were measured basic somatic parameters such as: body height and weight, sum of 3 skin-folds-fatty tissue, amplitude of the chest, and functional abilities: static strength of legs, explosive strength of legs and hands, the suppleness, the speed of movements of hands and the locomotive speed. A questionnaire form examining socioeconomic factors of families of examined pupils was also conducted.[b]Results and conclusions. [/b]Received results were subjected to a statistical analysis; results achieved by boys and girls were compared, and next, results from own examinations were compared with other made on inhabitants of different areas of the country and foreign countries. In terms of somatic parameters the examined young people achieved better results from the majority of peers from other areas of the country and it can result in relatively high level of economy development and urban character of Legnica. Authors also suppose that the weaker results in efficiency tests could be caused by the influence of extrinsic factors, especially an environmental pollution which influences more on functional than somatic parameters.

Authors and Affiliations

Gabriela Jednorał, Zofia Ignasiak


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Gabriela Jednorał, Zofia Ignasiak (2010). Evaluation of morphofunctional development level in adolescents from ecologically threatened regions – early report. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 20(52), 51-57. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-60115