Evidence-Based Law – selected aspects

Journal Title: Polish Law Review - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1


evidence-based law (EBL) concept is one of the ways to apply in practice the principles of naturalization. This article summarizes the advantages and limitations of EBL. For the systematization of the analysis, two areas of application of EBL were first identified: in the legislative process and in the application of the law. In the first area the key obstacle to the application of EBL was the lack of criteria for assessing scientific findings. Which can result in only selective analysis of partial data. In the situation when the process of applying the law is examined using EBL one can identify several restrictions as well. First, the so-called conflict of values, where the application of the EBL approach is problematic, because of necessity to take into account the non-normative aspects. Second, the so-called confirmation effect, resulting in the selective use of EBL. The next two limitations are related to the way in which the scientific data are presented and attained. In the summary the possible modification of EBL is presented. Adoption of proposed change will significantly broaden discussed concept application.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Julia Stanek


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How To Cite

Julia Stanek (2017). Evidence-Based Law – selected aspects. Polish Law Review, 3(1), 53-67. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-245144