Evolving Priority in Developing Nations: to Prevent Personal Bias in Social Welfare Decisions, Growing Need for Administration to Realise That Humanity is Only Religion!
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 3
: Health remains an important goal for society.‘Health for all’ is the motto of the world health organization. All hospitals spend only on allopathic drugs &modernization despitethe benefits of exercise medicine being well proven Actually, If there is a single remedy which can prevent & treat a host of lifestyle diseases like hypertension, diabetes, cardiac disease,osteoporosis, depression,etc it is only 30 minutes of exercise a day. More so it is free., Probably realizing these benefits there was a move to introduce a holistic exercise Suryanamaskar by the Indian government in year 2015 in all schools. After resistance from few organizations this path breaking decision was unfortunately withdrawn.This paper focuses on the importance of simple, economical health inventions& exercises like Suryanamaskar&the need to remove personal choices & viewpoints from theirintroduction for benefit of all.For large & populous countries like India which can barely afford to spend 3 % of GDP on health, disease prevention by exercise medicine is a good solution.To allow personal bias of a few people to hamper progress of the majority is an alarming & regrettable trend.As is said “one can count the seeds in an apple but not the apples in a seed “Only time will tell the far reaching losses & effects of these myopic & vote bank appeasing decisions.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Pavan kumar Kohli, Dr Sunil Nadkarni
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