Examination of attitudes and success levels of dentistry students towards biostatistics course
Journal Title: Ege Tıp Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 56, Issue 1
Aim: Biostatistics is of great significance for practices and research designs in dentistry to analyze data, to interpret the results and to publish high quality publications. This study conducted to assess the success and attitudes of undergraduate dental students towards biostatistics course. Materials and Methods: The study involved 90 first year dental undergraduate students enrolled in a two-credit mandatory biostatistics course in 2014-2015 at the Faculty of Dentistry, Ege University. Attitudes of the students were determined by using the nine point likert type scale. Reliability analysis for pretest and posttest was conducted and Cronbach Alpha coefficients for the points of total scale and scale sub-dimensions were obtained. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to see whether attitude scores and grades were normal. While unpaired t-test was used for comparing attitude scores of pretest and posttest; Wilcoxon signed rank test for two dependent group comparison was used to compare grades of both exams, and scores obtained from the sample question, with a significance level of 0.05. Results: The Cronbachs Alpha Coefficient was 0.67 for pretest, 0.68 for posttest; the scale has a high reliability. The students attitude points increased at the end of the year, comparing the pretest and posttest attitude scores, a statistically significant difference was existed (p=0.019). There was no significant statistical difference between the grades of both exams (p=0.097) and the sample question (p=0.482). Conclusion: Consequently, the biostatistics course was instructed positively affected the attitudes and success levels of the students. Thus, it is possible to utter that the biostatistics course in dentistry faculty is effectively instructed.
Authors and Affiliations
Aslı Suner, Esen ERSOY
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