Examine the relationship betweenpersonality characteristicsand academic achievement in math subject of high school students in Zahedan
Journal Title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 8, Issue 11
The aim ofthis study isto investigate the relationshipbetweenpersonality characteristicsandacademic achievement ofhigh school studentsinMath’s ofZahedan city. Material and method of survey is descriptive and study population includes all high school students of the academic year 1390-91. For sample selection due to a large number of students present in city we used community sampling formula which yields around 180 study sample for our research. Data collection was done through NEO personality test. The validity of this study is contextual. Cornbrash’s alphawas usedto determinethe stabilityof the questionnaire which produced Test-retest coefficient of r=0/91. Datafrom180questionnaireswereanalyzedusingSPSS statistical software. Toinvestigatethe researchhypothesistests, correlation coefficient, regression, t-test and ANOVAwere used.T-test results showed that theextroversionofgirlsandboysare not the sameand theboysare moreextroverted, Componentpassion fornewexperiencesmay varybetweenmale and femalestudents, girl’s show eagerness tohavenewexperiences. Component ofconscientiousnessamongfemale and malestudentsare not the sameandboys have more sense of duty. Component ofagreeablenessand neuroticismissimilarbetweenmale and femalestudentsandthemathematicsachievementofgirls andboysis thesame.ANOVA analysis results show that desire for new experience and learning depends and vary in different educational levels, butthedimensions ofconscientiousness,agreeableness, neurosis, and introversion-extroversionisbased onthe samelevel of educational status and Mathematicsachievementamongstudentsaccording totheir educational levelsis the same.
Authors and Affiliations
Javad Jamalzadeh| Associate Professor–Department of Mathematics,Faculty Member, University of Sistanand Baluchistan,Zahedan, Iran, Somaye Delarami *| MAin MathematicsEducation, Department of Mathematics,Islamic Azad Universityof Sistanand Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran, email: mj200202@gmail.com, Alireza Doost| Graduate studentof Environmental Management(HSE),Department ofEnvironment.,Islamic Azad Universityof Sistanand Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran, Fatemeh Esfahani| Master’s degree in Mathematics Education, Department of Mathematics, Islamic Azad University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran.
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