Excursion as Development Factor of Knowledge Society Hypothesizing
Journal Title: Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika - Year 2006, Vol 2, Issue 2
Connections between fundamental ratings and excursion methodological base in knowledge society revealed in the article, can be expressed by resumptive propositions: The development of knowledge society business surrounding stimulates to pay more attention to the profession of guide and the result of its job: the excursion that has educational and cultural power. According to common guides and excursionists’ position, excursion is considered as a method for transforming society’s stored knowledge into an active exchange of it between the professional and the interested ones. With the attempt of guide the knowledge that was not expressed or even hidden, becomes clearly realized by the excursionists and by the guide himself. Excursion in the knowledge society can be approached as a cognitive system that secures the knowledge of culture, multiplicity and of socialization culture values. The excursion, conducted by the guide, is the sphere of forming new cognitive and social competence. Excursion means an informal, having no pedagogical constraint, method for educating excursionists. This method shows the results of historical and cultural development of society. Hypothesis to be formulated: the excursion, conducted by the guide, is recognized as building up new attitude towards getting and handling information, cultural socialization and education of society members, forming new cognitive and social competence. All is considered to be an essential instrument to spread culture in knowledge society.
Authors and Affiliations
Lina Bocytė Garbačiauskienė, Judita Stulpinaitė
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