Execution of public works and results-based management in a Peruvian regional government (Ejecución de obras públicas y gestión por resultados en un Gobierno regional del Perú)
Journal Title: Gestiones. - Year 2022, Vol 2, Issue 1
The execution of public works and results-based management are key elements to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of management in a Regional Government in Peru. This study analyzes the relationship between both variables in 2018, emphasizing how adequate management of public works directly impacts the well-being of the population and contributes to social development. The research adopted a non-experimental and correlational approach, using a sample of 23 workers from a regional government. For data collection, questionnaires with a Likert scale were used to measure the perception of those involved in both variables. The results obtained reveal a strong positive relationship of 0.85 between the execution of public works and results-based management, suggesting that greater investment in the execution of works translates into more effective results-oriented management. This implies that strengthening the execution of public works can substantially improve public management in regional governments
Authors and Affiliations
Edith Zinthia Garay Paucar Ysabel Victoria Chavez Taipe Jorge Cutberto Atachao Mallqui
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