Experimental Investigation and Material Formation of Aluminium With Graphite


the goal of this work is to automotive applications in terms of environmental, social, economic and technical aspects by establishing a set of quantifiable measures for design for sustainability that can be applied to. In the present scenario, about 40% of the world’s oil consumption of nearly 75 million barrels of oil per day that is 96% of the world’s transportation systems depend on petroleum-based fuels and products, with the global transportation systems. Previous studies on materials choice in automotive bodies have always found steel to be the most cost-effective option at the production volumes looked at both composite and aluminium alternatives, but steel was found in the overwhelming majority of vehicle models. With the significant implications of aluminium for vehicle light-weighting and thereby improved fuel efficiency, these results come at a time when theyare in very much need for the environment. The future vehicles/cars will handle better, offer improved acceleration, braking and cornering, be lighter and more fuel efficient, and cause less pollution to the environment. But the sole objective is not only light weight at any price. Safety and style, technical feasibility, environmental impact and affordability, are also the vital factors. Therefore, this process for enhancing the body panel quality by integration of materials in metal matrix components or poly matrix component. In addition to that, graphite material is added to it increasing the span and composite of the respected material.

Authors and Affiliations

R Ashwin Chakravarthy, K Veera Pandian


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  • EP ID EP23874
  • DOI http://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2017.4168
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R Ashwin Chakravarthy, K Veera Pandian (2017). Experimental Investigation and Material Formation of Aluminium With Graphite. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 5(4), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-23874