Experimental-statistical modeling of the work of ferro-concrete columns damaged in the operation process


In the course of the experimental and statistical studies, the experiment was planned for the three most significant factors affecting the residual load-bearing capacity of damaged reinforced concrete columns of rectangular cross-section, namely: column heights (flexibility); The angle of inclination of the front of the fault and the depth of damage. Numerical modeling of the operation of compressed rectangular cross-section damaged during operation of reinforced concrete columns was carried out in the program complex «LIRA-SAPR» in a nonlinear setting. The results of experimental statistical modeling made it possible to determine the influence on the carrying capacity of each of the selected factors, as well as the mutual influence of the factors. Based on the obtained values of the destructive force for 19 brands of columns, in accordance with the experimental design, a 3-factor experimental-statistical model of the second order was constructed. This model is adequate to the experiment with an error of 8,8 kN, with 8 statically significant coefficients. According to the estimates of the experimental statistical model and single-factor local fields, the greatest influence on the bearing capacity is exerted by the angle of deflection of damage in the cross section of the column. From the analysis of the presented diagram of the combined influence of variable factors, it follows that, regardless of the height of the column, the destructive force is practically unchanged. Thus, as the height of the column increases, the bearing capacity first increases by approximately 2-3% at X1 = 1,75 m, and then decreases by 4-6% at X1 = 2,5 m.

Authors and Affiliations

Ievgenii Klymenko, A. D. Dovgan, Zelyko Kos


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Ievgenii Klymenko, A. D. Dovgan, Zelyko Kos (2017). Experimental-statistical modeling of the work of ferro-concrete columns damaged in the operation process. Вісник Одеської державної академії будівництва та архітектури, 1(67), 37-42. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-322895