Experimental studies of work of compressed ferro-concrete damaged columns of various flexibility
Journal Title: Вісник Одеської державної академії будівництва та архітектури - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 66
In the course of the studies carried out, the experiment was planned for the three most significant factors affecting the residual load-bearing capacity of damaged reinforced concrete columns of rectangular cross-section, namely: the height of the column, which, with the same cross-sectional dimensions, correlates with flexibility; Depth of damage; Angle of inclination of the front of the fault. The damage in the column samples was simulated by means of an insert of expanded polystyrene. A special installation and a technique for carrying out experiments have been developed which have made it possible, in the course of laboratory studies of prototypes, to determine the influence of flexibility on the bearing capacity, and to describe the deformable state of the columns. Measurements of deflections were carried out by progibomers with a division price of 0.01 mm in two sections in height: in the middle of the height and in the fourth of it. In the course of the experiments, graphs of column movements in the indicated places were obtained. It is established that under loading, there is an oblique eccentric compression and the direction of deflection of the structure does not coincide with the principal axes of the undamaged section. Experimentally establish the value of the compressive destructive force.
Authors and Affiliations
Ievgenii Klymenko, A. V. Pavlovski, Zelyko Kos
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