Experimental verification of theoretical calculations of the natural frequencies of axisymmetric vibrations of thin circular plates clamped at the edge
Journal Title: Aparatura Badawcza i Dydaktycza - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 1
The paper presents an overview of methods of measuring the frequency of vibration. Harmonic or random excitations are commonly used methods for this purpose. The classic method of harmonic excitation involves the use of sinusoidally variable, frequency-modulated excitation. In the case of study of structural dynamics, a special significance deserves to be attached to the shock pulse method (SPM), in which short shocks function as a way of excitation of vibration, and the fact that this method does not require the use of complex measurement systems is one of its obvious advantages. The paper demonstrates that when measuring frequency of vibrations of thin plates and membranes with piezoelectric sensors, disregarding the influence of their weight, which may comprise from 0.05 to 0.03 in relation of weight of the plate, may result in considerable errors in the method, in the range of 5-10%. In such cases, negative approximations should be considered whose values in this study were calculated using analytical method of influence function and a numerical method of finite elements (FEM).
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Jaroszewski
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