Factors Affecting Estimated Fetal Weight Measured by Ultrasound

Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2016, Vol 43, Issue 2


Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the fac­tors that affect the accuracy of estimated fetal weight in ultrasound. Methods: This study was conducted in 3rd degree hospi­tal antenatal outpatient clinic and perinatology inpatient clinic between June 2011 and January 2012. The data were obtained from 165 pregnant women. Inclusion cri­teria were; no additional diseases, giving birth within 48 hours after ultrasound. The same physician executed all ultrasound process. Age, height, weight, obstetric history and obstetric follow –up findings were recorded. Results: Fetal gender, fetal presentation, presence of meconium in amniotic fluid, maternal parity, did not sig­nificantly affect the accuracy of fetal weight estimation by ultrasound. The mean difference between estimated fetal weight and birth weight was 104.48±84 gr in nullipars and 94.2±81 gr in multipars (p=0.44); mean difference was 98.22±79 gr in male babies and 98.15±86 gr in female babies (p=0.99). Mean difference between estimated fetal weight and birth weight was 96.92±81 gr in babies with cephalic presentation and 110.9±90 gr in babies with breech presentation (p=0.53); this difference was 95.36±79 gr in babies with amniotic fluid with meconium and 98.82± 83 gr in babies with amniotic fluid without me­conium (p=0.83). Conclusion: Fetal weight is estimation is one of key points in the obstetrician’s intrapartum managament. And it is important to make fetal weight estimation accurately. In our study, consistent with literature, we observed that fetal gender; meconium presence in amniotic fluid, fetal presentation, maternal parity does not significantly effect the accuracy of fetal weight estimation by ultrasound. Key words: Ultrasound, Fetal weight, estimation

Authors and Affiliations

Hasan Energin


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  • EP ID EP154234
  • DOI 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2016.02.0684
  • Views 109
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How To Cite

Hasan Energin (2016). Factors Affecting Estimated Fetal Weight Measured by Ultrasound. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 43(2), 294-298. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-154234