Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction & Customer Delight in Fine Dining Restaurants


Motivation and Problem Statement In a competitive marketplace, particularly the QSRs and Fine Dining Restaurants segment, businesses are facing increased competition from each other. In this hypercompetitive environment organizations must go beyond providing customer satisfaction and give their customers the “Wow” Factor in order to gain a competitive edge. In today’s time, ‘Customer Delight’ or ‘Customer Experience’ is seen as the key differentiator. The purpose of this study is to identify such factors, which lead to customer delight specifically in the Fine Dining category. Significance of study of factors affecting customer delight would help businesses to analyse which factors of a product or service is considered most important by a customer. Businesses can identify their own strengths and weaknesses and their position with respect to competitors. It would also help firms to win back their lost customers and identify new opportunities for growth.

Authors and Affiliations

Nupur Golani, Ankit Manglik, Prof. Sanjay Pawar


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  • EP ID EP23183
  • DOI http://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2017.2095
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How To Cite

Nupur Golani, Ankit Manglik, Prof. Sanjay Pawar (2017). Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction & Customer Delight in Fine Dining Restaurants. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 5(2), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-23183