Factors Influencing Sputum Smear and Culture Positivity in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: How Many Specimens do We Need for Diagnosis?
Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2011, Vol 2, Issue 1
Aim The aim of the present study is to determine the number of specimens needed to diagnose tuberculosis basing on microbiological data and to investigate the relationship between microbiological results radiologic changes and comorbid conditions. Material and Methods A total of 140 male cases were included study. At least three tuberculosis microscopic exams and cultures, erect posterio-anterior and lateral chest radiographs were obtained for each patient prior to initiation of antituberculous therapy. Liquid broth (BACTEC) and/or Lowenstein-Jensen solid culture media were used to grow the microorganism and the Ehrlich-ZiehlNeelsen (EZN) method was used for the microscopic evaluation in the study. Results The contribution of the first microscopic examination to the diagnosis was 71.2%, of the second microscopic examination 17.6%, and the third one 7.2% (the total contribution of the first three microscopic examinations was 96%). The distribution of cases with regard to culture positivity revealed 67.14% to have growth on culture. The ratio of culture positivity of the first three cultures was calculated as 93.61%. In 21.5% (30/140) of the cases additional medical condition was present. Conclusions Microbiological data of patients diagnosed with tuberculosis reveals that 3 sputum microscopies are sufficient for diagnosis. Presence of cavitary lesions on chest radiographs increases the ratio of microscopy positivity. In addition, a positive relation exists between presence of comorbidity and cavity formation and microscopy positivity. A significant correlation exists between longer symptoms’ duration and cavity formation and first microscopy positivity.
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